A Bundle of Joy

Time flies so fast when you become a father. It has been almost six months since I first hold my little son, Ahmad Afnan. Yeah it's been quite a while but I still remember every bit of Afnan's first day. Let's start with the day prior to Rahmah delivered Afnan.

It was 28th October 2014. It's Afnan's EDD (estimated due date). I remembered waking up feeling so excited, that if Afnan turned out to delivered later than that day, I'll be dissapointed loll. That morning, she looked okay. So okay that if I remember correctly, that morning she even do some house cleaning. Fast forward it was already noon, and we went for a lunch. But she didn't seem to enjoy her lunch very much. I asked whether we should go to our gynae for inspection. And we did; our doctor then asked us to stay for further examination after discovered that Rahmah was 3cm dilated.

Knowing this, I felt so happy that I think my face glowing with happiness like radiant pregnant people do (okay lawak hambar). Like, this is it. It's happening.

Fast forward a bit, Rahmah was called to the labor room at 10pm or so. We're both excited and anxious. For her, more so on the anxious part. She started to cry when we first entered the labor room. Alamak, die takut, aku lagi lahh takut. I hugged her and said with no hint of unease; "everything's going to be okay, keep reciting du'a and I'm always by your side." At this point of time, I was so worried in the inside, but remain calm on the outside. So calm that until this day Rahmah some times told me: "mcm mane awk bole cool je." Well, being naturally poyo kinda helps, my dear.

Anyway, back to the story, being the cheerleader and letting my hands crushed were pretty much what I did when she's delivering. There, I witnessed how my wife having the biggest struggle of her life. She fought so much that few time she fell asleep in transitioning from one push to another. All blood, sweat and tears were given (quite literally) and appromixately 1A.M 29th October 2014, a beautiful little boy, was born.

There are moments where you look back at your life and said, "these are moments that change my life". Life changing moments. Well for me, having Afnan was one of those moments. I once said to my wife. I never felt quite a powerful feeling except for two events. Once, when I married her, and two, when Afnan was born. I was truly overwhelmed at the time added with the fact that we both long to have our own children for quite some time. Also overwhelmed with new responsibilities on my shoulder.

Now, Ahmad Afnan is over 5 months old. And there were always things that I learnt every single day. From his behaviors, growth and patterns to perspective towards life as general. And each day I'm grateful for this amazing gift. May Allah protect you both, Ahmad Afnan and Nurur Rahmah, and may He make us among those who enter His Jannah.

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